Local Land Charges in Collaboration with HM Land Registry – 26.10.21

We are delighted to announce the second webinar in the series from IQ Legal Training in collaboration with HM Land Registry. We are raising awareness of the new single digital Local Land Charges (LLC) Register.

The webinar for Pendle and Blackburn will be hosted on 26th October 2021, 11.00-12.00

A webinar series is planned to take place over the next few years to address the skills and information gap presented by this transition. This will make it significantly easier for local authorities to access a holistic training experience. HM Land Registry will be supporting IQ Legal Training Ltd in delivering webinars. Together, we are providing a legal perspective on local land charges, information about the migration of local land charges data, and how to access the new digital service.

This is a free, educational webinar, developed in collaboration with HM Land Registry and supported by Conveyancing Data Services. The webinar will consider the issues associated with due diligence and local land charges from the perspective of conveyancers, and also introduce the migration of local land charges data from Pendle and Blackburn Council’s to HM Land Registry.

Booking is Essential.

Have a query? Call 07379 134 942


Oct 26 2021


11:00 am - 12:00 pm

Event Types

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