Avoiding Claims and Complaints – Things to Watch Out For

Join Ian Quayle on this 60-minute webinar on Avoiding Claims and Complaints – Things to Watch Out For.

What you will learn –

  • Retainer management issues – searches and enquiries, addressing ownership terms, and completion and registration.
  • Tips and Traps on Reports on Title
  • Advice failures – documentation, procedure
  • Lender claims
  • How property fraud can lead to claims
  • Leasehold problems

This webinar is suitable for conveyancers of all levels and experience.

Extensive notes will be provided and there will be opportunities for delegate questions.


Thanks to our specialist systems, we are able to provide you with recordings and course materials which allow you to refer back to your training at any time should you wish to do so. Alternatively, if you are unable to attend the live webinar these facilities mean that you don’t have to worry about missing out and you can go about your day, reassured by the knowledge that you can carry out your required training at a time convenient to you. 


Cost: £30 + VAT, Per Person

A certificate of completion is also provided for delegates booking this event.  

Have an enquiry? Call 07379 134 942 or email info@iqlegaltraining.com  


Oct 16 2023


10:00 am - 11:00 am



Event Types

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