In this sixty minute webinar Mattie Green barrister of Tanfield Chambers and Ian Quayle of IQ Legal Training will explore a number of issues arising from the recent cases of Dell v 89 Holland Park Management Ltd [2022] UKUT 169 and Assethold Limited v Hoye and Fox [2022] UKUT 173 and some of the practical issues for conveyancers generated by these cases.
The webinar will explore:
- Advice to be given to buyer clients concerning the provision of previous years service charge accounts by sellers conveyancers
- Key service charge provisions in residential leases to look out for.
- The facts of Dell v 89 Holland Park Management Ltd and the legal principles to extract from the case.
- The issue of the recovery of legal costs ancillary to forfeiture arising from Assethold Limited v Hoye and Fox and how to interpret relevant lease clauses
- Dealing with the bigger picture – CQS Guidelines and Reporting on Title in leasehold transactions.
Extensive notes will be provided to clients and there will be an opportunity for delegate questions