Conveyancing Training for 2020

For the 2020 training season IQ legal training is offering conveyancing training courses in the North East of England for the first time. If you are interested in any of these courses please email for more details .

    Property Law Training iq legal training limited

Conveyancing Training for 2020

Courses will be delivered at Lambton Estate Offices Chester le Street, Co. Durham

11th May 2020  9.30am to 12.45pm  (Cost £125.00 plus VAT per delegate)

Commercial Property – a review of current developments, transactional issues and recent case law examining land registration, and contractual problems. A three hour intermediate course relevant to all commercial property lawyers 

11th May 2020  1.45pm to 4.45pm (Cost £125.00 plus VAT per delegate)

Residential Conveyancing – a review of current developments, transactional issues and recent case law, examining problems in leasehold conveyancing and the risks associated with property fraud.

21st May 2020 and 28th May 2020 (two days) 9.30am to 4.45pm (Cost £190.00 plus VAT per delegate)

 Residential Conveyancing for Support Staff 

This is an intensive course for support staff, trainees and paralegals, and qualified staff retraining or returning to residential conveyancing.

The course explores the conveyancing process for freehold and leasehold sales and purchases, producing the contract pack, searches enquiries, acting for lenders, client care and professional conduct.

Delegates are shown key transactional documents and provided basic training on drafting as well as an exploration of key issues relevant to land registration.

This course has been delivered to a number of local law society’s and is always extremely popular and well attended. As a consequence of this a series of follow up courses have been created on Residential Leasehold Conveyancing, and New Builds which can be offered dependent on demand.

A comprehensive training manual is provided for each delegate     

14th October 2020 9.30am to 12.45pm  (Cost £125.00 plus VAT per delegate)

Residential Conveyancing – Avoiding negligence claims, complaints, and dealing with clients

This is a very popular course for all levels of residential conveyancers examining what can go wrong in the residential conveyancing process and how to avoid claims and complaints.

It deals with CQS issues concerning client care, effective communication and explores practical steps to avoid commonly encountered problems.

14th October 2020 1.45pm to 4.45pm  (Cost £125.00 plus VAT per delegate)

Commercial Lease Masterclass

This is a course aimed at all transactional commercial property lawyers examining key clauses in commercial leases, using different types of lease, contracting out , transactional issues and land registration requirements.

The course will also look at recent relevant case law.

29th October 2020 9.30am to 12.45pm   (Cost £125.00 plus VAT per delegate)

Residential Conveyancing – Land Registration for Residential Conveyancers

This is a popular course examining key issues concerning land registration. It explores use of notices and restrictions, problems with plans and boundaries, adverse possession, rectification and indemnity. It will also explore problems with searches, applications and dealing with requisitions.

29th October 2020 – 12.45pm to 4.45pm   (Cost £125.00 plus VAT per delegate)

Commercial Property 

This is an intermediate course for transactional commercial property lawyers. It will examine options and overage, easements and covenants and all relevant recent case law