Post Completion Training for Support Staff – Residential Conveyancing

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In this series consisting of 3 webinars, Ian Quayle of IQ Legal Training and Maria Hardy of PCC will discuss the importance of post-completion practices and how to avoid requisitions.

The webinars will be directed at post-completion support staff and assisting them to understand the importance of entries on a title register, joint ownership implications, HMLR application forms including AP1s, FR1s and restriction forms, how to understand transfer and mortgage deeds and how to significantly reduce requisition rates.

The course is composed of three 60-minute webinars, as follows:

Webinar 1 – Monday 9th September, 11am – 12pm:

  • Introduction: Introduce PCC and speaker. Speak about the importance of post-completion and the risks involved in getting in wrong. Explain what this webinar will cover (10 minutes)
  • Title register and plans: Review three different property titles. Look at each register in turn and discuss the entries contained within each register (20 minutes)
  • Joint Ownership: Look at the different types of ownership, joint tenants or tenants in common and what entries are made in the register to reflect this. Form A restrictions briefly reviewed and how to comply with these (20 minutes)
  • Q and A and conclusion: Time for any questions from the delegates, thanks and info on next webinar (10 minutes)

Webinar 2 – Monday 16th September, 11am – 12pm:

  • Introduction: Introduce PCC and speaker. Speak about the importance of post-completion and the risks involved in getting in wrong. Explain what this webinar will cover (10 minutes)
  • TR1, Mortgage deed and SDLT / LTT certificate: Review each panel of a TR1 form and look at a few different mortgage deeds to make sure delegates know how to complete correctly. Reviewed SDLT and LTT cert (20 minutes)
  • Land Registry case workers top ten tips: Discuss the importance of names, witness details, types of ownership, identity, what’s missing, where’s the evidence, dates and amounts, deeds in part, plans and descriptions, death of a proprietor (20 minutes)
  • Q and A and conclusion: Time for any questions from the delegates, thanks and info on next webinar (10 minutes)

Webinar 3 – Monday 23rd September, 11am – 12pm:

  • Introduction: Introduce PCC and speaker. Speak about the importance of post-completion and the risks involved in getting in wrong. Explain what this webinar will cover (10 minutes)
  • AP1 and FR1 forms: Look at these forms and explain how to complete each panel (20 minutes)
  • RX1, 2, 3 and 4: Look at these forms and explain how to complete each form. Look at the difference between and RX3 and RX4 and who can complete each. (20 minutes)
  • Q and A and conclusion: Time for any questions from the delegates, thanks and conclusion (10 minutes)

Extensive notes will be provided and time allocated for delegate questions.