Join CEO Ian Quayle of IQ Legal Training and Barrister John de Waal KC of Gatehouse Chambers on this 60-minute webinar on the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954.
John will explore landlord opposition to tenant claims for renewal tenancies under the 1954 Act including a discussion of ‘intention’ in grounds (f) and (g) and redevelopment break clauses’.
He will discuss redevelopment break clauses in 1954 Act renewals following the recent case of B&M Retail Ltd v HSBC Bank Pension Trust Ltd, including earlier authorities such as National Car Parks Ltd v The Paternoster Consortium Ltd.
This webinar is suitable for commercial property lawyers of all levels and experience. John de Waal KC of Gatehouse Law will present a webinar with Ian Quayle of IQ Legal Training Limited.
Extensive notes will be provided and there will be opportunities for delegate questions.